Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Lisa Benton Case Study Review - 3013 Words
Assignment 3: Lisa Benton Case Analysis Katherine Torkelson Jack Welch Management Institute JWI 510 Leadership in the 21st Century March 10, 2013 Executive Summary This paper will discuss and analyze Lisa Benton, a recent Harvard Business School graduate. She is now an assistant product manager at a company called Houseworld. Lisa has a poor relationship with her new boss and coworker and she recently received a poor performance review. She is worried about her future with the company, and if she chose the right company to begin her career after receiving her MBA. Introduction Lisa had a tough decision to make. During her time in school working towards her MBA, she worked as the assistant to the president of Right-Away†¦show more content†¦4). This was contradictory to what Lisa’s current strategy was. She was going to listen to Scoville’s (Deborah’s â€Å"go to†associate) comments to remain in â€Å"learning mode, she [Lisa] thought it best to be quiet and act like a learner (Weber, 1994, p. 4). If Lisa is remaining in this mode, even though it is her first month, she is not exuding a sense of reliability. Manager’s look at employees that could be labeled â€Å"A players†who do what they say and get the job done (McIntosh amp; Luecke, 2011). Lisa needs to step up and give her â€Å"A†game in order to establish reliability so as to increase this element of influencing her boss, Deborah, and her associates. Over time, reliability develops, just as it does with trustworthiness. The last part of this particular model of the Foundation of Influence is assertiveness. A person who lacks assertiveness, which in turn has very little influential power, allows themselves to be pushed around or aside, or they â€Å"hide their light under a bushel.†â€Å"Assertiveness is a mode of personal behavior and communication characterized by a willingness to stand up for one’s needs and interests in an open and direct way. The assertive person stands up for things that matter to him while respecting the things that matter to others†(McIntosh amp; Luecke, 2011, p. 15). Lisa has had trouble influencing her boss, Deborah, because she has not shown, clearly enough, herShow MoreRelated Lisa Benton Case Analysis Paper 3 FINAL 6223 Words  | 25 Pages II Lisa Benton Case Analysis Jack Welch Management Institute Dr. Denis Tocci JWMI 510 Abstract In this case analysis I will focus on Deborah Linton and Lisa Benton. Deborah Linton is the Product Manager and is Lisa Benton’s direct supervisor at Houseworld. I will look at Deborah Linton’s leadership approach applying concepts from JWMI-510. I will act as a consultant to Deborah Linton and make recommendations on how she can build an effective team. I will point out why Lisa Benton hasRead MoreDissertation Proposal on Managing Diversity of Workforce18916 Words  | 76 Pagesare experiencing a necessity to make changes as well. The workforce will become increasingly more diverse in the future and this greatly affects the organization in its capacity of hiring and retaining employees. The literature reviewed within this study illustrates the fact that the expectations of employees differ within the generations represented in today’s workforce and unless managers have a sound knowledge-base of the needs and expectations of the organization’s employees then keeping theseRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesCONTENTS: CASE STUDIES CASE STUDY 1 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems CASE STUDY I-1 IMT Custom Machine Company, Inc.: Selection of an Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-2, Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier CASE STUDY I-3 The VoIP Adoption at Butler University CASE STUDY I-4 Supporting Mobile Health Clinics: The Children’s Health Fund of New York City CASE STUDY I-5 Data
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