Thursday, August 27, 2020
Consumer Behaviour Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Purchaser Behavior Assignment - Essay Example Clammer (1992) contends this is genuine even of the most everyday utilization decisions, which can mirror a person's character, tastes and social position (see likewise Elliott and Wattanasuwan, 1998; Slater, 1997) (refered to by Sowden and Grimmer, 2009, p 1). Parenthood requires various changes that a lady experiences while turning into a mother. One of the parts of this is the adjustment in jobs. Along with this comes the fresh out of the plastic new personality and regularly of needs too. A lady who may have dedicated a lot of her time on herself particularly on physical tasteful sense may unexpectedly feel that her needs to advance her physical looks is consigned to the more significant job of dealing with a kid. In light of this new job and character where the new mother needs to fit in, she is presented to a form of what the personality must be or should resemble. The general public some of the time paints the necessary picture that a mother must take so as to fit in the shape or the individual ventures her own character which she feels is best acknowledged in the general public. As she attempts to situate herself with the new job, she is exposed to utilization decisions and choices that had been normal from the personality that she has recently accepted or needs to expect. These utilization choices especially allude to ... Thus, different changes or transitional experiences focuses in the existence pattern of the purchaser could be seen as personality ventures. With the change or with another task to carry out, the purchaser take on another picture which is essentially steady with the new character he/she expect. This at that point essentially influence his/her utilization choice. Wattanasuwan (2005, p 179) expressed that we don't generally devour items only for need yet in addition all the more significantly for the projection of the self that we need others to see. This self or this character venture is the one we trust that others inside our gathering or subculture would acknowledge and greet wholeheartedly. One a valid example is the pre-grown-up or high school years. This is a somewhat sensitive and unstable stage as the individual attempts to discover how he/she fits into the general public he/she has a place with. The greater part of the issues that worry adolescents move towards their craving to have a place and be acknowledged. Numerous youngsters would attempt to make and task a character of development in their plans to handily mix into the universe of grown-ups. Representative utilization is taking on a more noteworthy job in recognizing the pre-grown-up from the grown-up (Ozanne, 1992 as refered to by Batat, n.d.). Others would utilize this personality venture to dazzle their friends or to be acknowledged in specific circles or gatherings. The utilization of merchandise as images for speaking with different purchasers is identified with the utilization of products in the advancement of self-character. Individual would then be able to utilize the emblematic substance of picked u tilization articles to mirror their association or association with a specific social gathering (Batat, n.d. refered to from Elliott and Wattanasuwan, 1998). Along these lines, the utilization decisions we face would rely upon the character we
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Jerome Brown Story Essay Research Paper free essay sample
The Jerome Brown Story Essay, Research Paper Copyright ( degree Celsius ) 1996-1997 # 8212 ; School Sucks # 8212 ; hypertext move convention:/ The greatest Free School records database on the Net! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Filename: JER12.TXT A Subject: 004: English: Creative origin A Title: The Jerome Brown Story records = I got a 95 on this paper THE JEROME BROWN STORY BY: Andrew Mantell, Anthony Aquilino, and Evan Most, Broadcaster: ( sitting in the host stall ) ? 5.4 seconds left, Kennedy somewhere near two. Ho Ming Ching inbounds the ball to Jose Lopez, Muhmud Mohammed sets the decision for Lopez, Lopez circumvents the back base on balls to Jerome Brown Storyteller: After the game Jerome Brown is strolling home when an enormous strong grown-up male pulls Jerome over. Pablo Rivera: You wan na? do some quick cash? Jerome: Doin? what? Pablo: All you got Tas? make is travel to the edge of 115th road at 10 O? clock. At the point when a feline stops by the name of Bob give him the pack. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Jerome Brown Story Essay Research Paper or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Hieronymus: What? s in it? Pablo: Don? T stress over kid, just procure the occupation done. Jerome: Who? s that huge feline close to you? Pablo: That? s Diesel, my escort. So do what I said. Alright? Hieronymus: ( Jerome vibrates ) Okay. Storyteller: Jerome shows up at 115th road at 10 O? clock. An enormous grown-up male approaches him. English peddling: Are you the new kid? Jerome: I surmise so. English peddling: You got the material? Hieronymus: Merely on the off chance that you got the cash! English peddling: Yeah I got it. Hieronymus: Here? s the pack. Storyteller: As Bob gives Jerome $ 300, Jerome gives Bob the pack. Weave runs off. 1 hr along these lines, Jerome gets a call from Pablo. Jerome: Hello? Pablo: Hello, is Jerome at that place? Hieronymus: This is Jerome. Pablo: You accomplished great work. I got anotha? occupation for you. Jerome: I wear? T know grown-up male. Pablo: Don? T concern, simply pursue into me the game today around evening time in the dorsum of the school. Storyteller: That dim, Kennedy had a game. Jerome had 30 focuses, 12 guides, and 10 pulls back. This was the principal triple-twofold of his calling. Kennedy won 97-82. After the game Jerome met Pablo in the dorsum of the school. Pablo tabun Mentor: Hey Jerome, Good game today. What? s taken care of? Hieronymus: ( blundering ) It? s my uniform. Mentor: Who? s your companion? Hieronymus: ( blundering ) This is Paco Gonzalez. Mentor: All correct Jerome, I? ll see you tomorrow. Pablo: Bring the sack to 131st road. A feline named Joe will give you some cash. Hieronymus: Can you enchant state me what? s clinched! Pablo: Don? T stress over it. Jerome: I won? T do it in the event that you wear? T state me what? s taken care of. Pablo: Fine, I? ll Tell you, it? s cocaine. Jerome: I can? t be dealin? this material. Pablo: ( pulls out a weapon ) I figure you can. I? ll give you $ 200 for each sell. Jerome: Fine, I? ll do it. Storyteller: Jerome ran place, gasping for air the entire clasp. The accompanying dull at accurately 10 O? clock Jerome met Joe at 131st road with the sack of cocaine. Jerome gets two hundred dollars and gets another freight of medications from Pablo. Hieronymus: ( strolling place from 131st road ) ( accepting to himself ) I wonder how it feels to take this material. I think I? ll endeavor it. ( he sniffs the medications and gets extremely overjoyed. ) Storyteller: When Jerome got place, his folks were sitting tight for him. Mama: Where have you been, youthful grown-up male? Jerome: I was at Ho? s house and Muhmud was at that place. I got paid today! Mama: How much? Jerome: $ 200. Mama: $ 200? , great Godhead that? s a clump of cash. How could you procure that much? Hieronymus: My occupation. Mama: What occupation would that be? Jerome: I? m helping Muhmud out at the Quick # 8211 ; E # 8211 ; Mart. ( Jerome awakens at 4:00 to run into Pablo, they meet at a relinquished distribution center ) Pablo: Deliver this sack to a feline a named Fred on 131st road. Jerome: All right, so give me two sacks. I like this material. I? ll wage you when I see you following. Pablo: No activity. ( in the mean time a couple pess off in a constabulary auto ) Cop: These are some bleeding acceptable jam doughnuts. Pause, those childs aren? T expected to be at that place. ( He leaped out of his auto with the firearm and began trailing Jerome and Pablo ) Pablo: Run! Storyteller: The constabulary grown-up male began making up for lost time to Jerome yet accidentally he stumbled over a moving off poulet. Pablo and Jerome concealed an a deny poop for 3 hours. /gt ; Police officer: You freakin? poulet. There aren? T expected to be poulets in a city. Storyteller: After 3 hours Pablo felt something. It was a waste vehicle taking them off. The two of them got to the deny crap and the two of them went place. ( Jerome gets place ) Jerome: Hey Mom! Mama: You smell like compost. Is it accurate to say that you are alright Jerome? I? ve been stressed over you as of late. Jerome: I? m mulct, nil to stress over. I am only under a clump of power for every unit zone playing bands. Mama: Can I make you some chicken soup? Jerome: No much obliged, I? ve got ta? travel to class. Storyteller: On the way to class Jerome begins to whiff some progressively parted. After school Jerome had a loops game. ( In the bureau room ) Jerome: Hey felines, I? m non encountering so great. I? m non certain on the off chance that I can play. Muhmud: But we need you, you? re our best member Holmium: Yeah, without you we? re toast. Jerome: All right, I surmise so. ( At the game ) Host: And another airball by Jerome Brown. There is strongly something off base with him today. What's more, the finishing up seconds tick down. ( Buzzer Sound ) Host: The ocean monkeys rout Kennedy 101-65, rather a hapless endeavor by Kennedy. ( In bureau room ) Jerome: I played repulsive. Muhmud: I? m sorry I requested that you play, you really are sick. Holmium: You wear? t articulation so great. ( Suddenly, Jerome crumples on the cupboard room floor, all the members swarm around to endeavor to help ) Holmium: Name 911 ( At clinic ) Mama: Expression! He? s awakening! Give him some room Hieronymus: ( battling to talk ) Wha # 8230 ; # 8230 ; What occurred? Mama: Shh, you? re O.K. presently, endeavor and get some leftover portion. Jerome: How since a long time ago would i say i was out? Mama: Since after the game last dull. Specialist: Ms. Earthy colored, your kid? s preliminaries are in. I? nutrient D like to converse with you outside for a minute. Mama: Certain. ( They step into the corridor ) Specialist: We discovered high degrees of cocaine in your kid? s blood. That is the reason he crumpled. Mama: My kid? ! With his circles calling? ! Is it true that you are sure you didn? Ts make a blunder or on the other hand something? ! Specialist: I? m positive. Mama: Is at that place whatever I can make? Specialist: Well, there are a few recovery communities in this nation. Storyteller: Jerome went to a medication restoration establishment for 4 months and despite the fact that he was commenced the circles crew, he despite everything rehearsed and improved. He surrendered marketing and using drugs entirely. ( two hebdomads after Jerome returns from the recovery place, strolling down road ) Muhmud: That film was extraordinary, it helped me to remember my old state. Jerome: Yeah, it figures you would wish it. What did you trust Ho? Holmium: Well, it was o-( He is hindered by Pablo Rivera ) Pablo: Jerome, where? s my cash? Hieronymus: What cash? Pablo: From 4 months back. Jerome: I neer sold the material, I? m non into that any more. Pablo: Give me the $ 200 or go up against the impacts. Jerome: I wear? T got it. Pablo: Well in this way, here comes the impacts. ( Pablo pulls out a firearm and focuses it at Jerome? s caput ) Jerome: No! Give me more clasp! Pablo: You? ve got three yearss. ( Pablo runs off ) Holmium: What are you heading out to make? Jerome: I? m heading out to hold to happen some way to pick up $ 200 Muhmud: How? Jerome: I have no idea. Storyteller: Jerome went after for two yearss to pick up the cash yet it was futile, such he could pick up was $ 23.02 and a pack of mildew covered peanuts ( Jerome is strolling place from school when an old auto with tinted Windowss pushes by what's more, lights fire, executing Jerome quickly, the auto dashed away. ) Neighbor: I state, what? s all that excitement out at that place? ( neighbor watches out and sees Jerome dead and grisly ) Neighbor: Aid! Help! Individual assistance him! ( he rushes to the telephone and calls 911 ) Administrator: 911, exigency. Neighbor: I need help, there is an alterable male kid outside of my home. Administrator: What is your reference? Neighbor: 833 JoMama road. ( Ambulances come and take Jerome off in a natural structure sack ) ( At the burial service ) Mama: ( Shouting ) I can? t accept he? s gone. He was so content until he got together with drugs. On the off chance that simply I could? ve cautioned him. Storyteller: Jerome was an extraordinary misfortune to his companions, family, and colleagues. He taughta important exercise throughout everyday life except needed to surrender his life in the method. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'content ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'content/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = genuine ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http:/ ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'content ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Choose the Best Common App Essay Samples
How to Choose the Best Common App Essay SamplesIn this article I will show you how to choose the best common app essay samples for your school essay project. I will also explain the main points of your essay and what they should contain. I will also tell you that using these samples will help you to write better essays.App essays are the type of essays that use applications as a part of the essay. They are often written in a way that the student cannot clearly understand the application that is being used. This is why the common app essay sample that you will use needs to be easy to read.There are many different types of applications that you can use for these types of essays. There are also many different examples that you can find on the internet that you can use for your essay. The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to make sure that your essay uses examples that are easy to read.The key to writing the best common app essay samples is finding examples that us e applications that are clear and understandable. You can find these examples for free by doing a search on the internet. You can also find them by using college reference websites.When you have found the samples that you want to use then make sure that you use them in your project. In other words, you will need to find examples that are appropriate for the topic of your essay. You will also need to make sure that you work the examples into your topic so that they make sense.Another way that you can improve your common app essay samples is to write them from the point of view of the user. You can also think about using examples from the past to help you understand what they were trying to accomplish. You can also use all the current examples that you find on the internet and then use the current ones to help you write your essay.The best part about using common app essay samples is that you will have the ability to do this on your own time. You will not have to spend a lot of money on them and you can get them at no cost. Just make sure that you get them from a reputable source and that you do not simply copy and paste the samples from the internet.Finally, you should make sure that you take the time to read through the different tips that are provided by experts in this field so that you can learn how to properly use common app essay samples. The best part is that you can do all of this at your own pace. It is not hard to improve your essays.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Interpretation of the Establishment Clause - 986 Words
In the First Amendment it states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.†This is known as the Establishment Clause, and it has been a controversial topic of many Supreme Court cases throughout America’s history. There are three different methods of constitutional interpretation--textualism, intentionalism, and pragmatismâ€â€that have shaped the Supreme Court’s rulings on the Establishment Clause. The Establishment Clause is usually interpreted in two different ways: â€Å"The Establishment Clause prohibits government actionsâ€â€federal, state, or localâ€â€that promote religion,†and that â€Å"The Establishment Clause prohibits the establishment of a national religion.†There is a common metaphor that accompanies the Establishment Clause know as the â€Å"wall of separation.†The Establishment Clause has this â€Å"wall†in order to keep the church and state separate. This is a r eoccurring theme I have seen develop throughout various court cases. I studied four different cases that made it to the Supreme Court: Everson vs. Board of Education, Lynch vs. Donnelly, Lee vs. Weisman, and Santa Fe Independent School District vs. Jane Doe. During the brief period of me studying these four cases involving the Establishment Clause, I have inferred that pragmatism has indicated the utmost dominance in shaping the Supreme Court’s rulings on the Establishment Clause. The use of pragmatism has become more popular in courts today because it can conform to the many changesShow MoreRelatedThe Ten Commandments and the Establishment Clause970 Words  | 4 PagesThe Ten Commandments and the Establishment Clause The United States of America is a free country that encourages its citizens to observe and express their freedom. This freedom is expressed in different ways and forms which include the freedom to exercise any type of religion without the government’s interference or support. This freedom is primarily safeguarded by the Constitution. The forefathers of American democracy proclaim the separation of Church and State to ensure that there is no encroachingRead MoreThe Supreme Court On The American Public School System Essay1702 Words  | 7 PagesIn 1947, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 in favor of the defendant in a case named Everson v Board of Education. In this case, the Majority opinion laid out an interpretation of the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment of the Constitution for the first time in regards to how it should be applied. As such, it would set the precedence for the way that the Supreme Court would look at the First Amendment even until today. 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The First Amendment states â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religionRead MoreAnalysis of the First Amendment1687 Words  | 7 PagesIn the First Amendment, the clause that states â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion†is based on the Establishment Clauses that is incorporated in the amendment. This clauses prohibits the government to establish a state religion and then enforce it on its citizens to believe it. Without this clause, the government can force participation in this chosen religion, and then punish anyone who does not obey to the faith chosen. This clause was in issue in a court caseRead MoreExpansion Of Federal Power : The United States1546 Words  | 7 Pagespowers of Congress, making them most responsible for the growth of federal power. In the Constitution, the Commerce clause was created to regulate interstate commerce, but after the Supreme Court ruled on cases the interpretation change d and the federal government can now regulate commercial activities including minimum wage and labor. The Court broadened the â€Å"Necessary and Proper†clause when it ruled that Congress can establish a federal bank. Finally, the Court reinterpreted the meaning of the FirstRead MoreThe Constitutionality Of Providing Tax Exemption Essay1579 Words  | 7 Pagesindirectly contribute to those churches, thus violating the Establishment clause. The Supreme Court upheld the property tax exemption for churches, ruling that it did not violate the Establishment clause. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice Warren Burger emphasized that the First Amendment â€Å"will not tolerate either governmentally established religion or governmental interference with religion†(Walz v. Tax,†n.d.). This interpretation of the First Amendment was echoed one year later with theRead MoreThe Debate Over School Prayer1096 Words  | 5 Pageswritten, many state governments did not stand by this. Many state governments displayed favoritism towards different religions in the form of support. Therefore to further ensure that religion was independent of the government, a more precise interpretation of the first amendment was made by certain groups of people. By completely making religion and the state unconnected, the new understanding became known as the separation of church and state. This is taken out of context by many people and isRead MoreTown Of Greece V. Adalah1168 Words  | 5 PagesNebraska Legislature’s practice of opening its sessions with a prayer delivered by a chaplain paid from state funds. The decision concluded that legislative prayer, while religious in nature, has long been understood as compatible with the Establishment Clause. As practiced by Congress since the framing of the Constitution, legislative prayer lends gravity to public business, reminds lawmakers to transcend petty differences in pursuit of a higher purpose, and expre sses a common aspiration to a just
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Lisa Benton Case Study Review - 3013 Words
Assignment 3: Lisa Benton Case Analysis Katherine Torkelson Jack Welch Management Institute JWI 510 Leadership in the 21st Century March 10, 2013 Executive Summary This paper will discuss and analyze Lisa Benton, a recent Harvard Business School graduate. She is now an assistant product manager at a company called Houseworld. Lisa has a poor relationship with her new boss and coworker and she recently received a poor performance review. She is worried about her future with the company, and if she chose the right company to begin her career after receiving her MBA. Introduction Lisa had a tough decision to make. During her time in school working towards her MBA, she worked as the assistant to the president of Right-Away†¦show more content†¦4). This was contradictory to what Lisa’s current strategy was. She was going to listen to Scoville’s (Deborah’s â€Å"go to†associate) comments to remain in â€Å"learning mode, she [Lisa] thought it best to be quiet and act like a learner (Weber, 1994, p. 4). If Lisa is remaining in this mode, even though it is her first month, she is not exuding a sense of reliability. Manager’s look at employees that could be labeled â€Å"A players†who do what they say and get the job done (McIntosh amp; Luecke, 2011). Lisa needs to step up and give her â€Å"A†game in order to establish reliability so as to increase this element of influencing her boss, Deborah, and her associates. Over time, reliability develops, just as it does with trustworthiness. The last part of this particular model of the Foundation of Influence is assertiveness. A person who lacks assertiveness, which in turn has very little influential power, allows themselves to be pushed around or aside, or they â€Å"hide their light under a bushel.†â€Å"Assertiveness is a mode of personal behavior and communication characterized by a willingness to stand up for one’s needs and interests in an open and direct way. The assertive person stands up for things that matter to him while respecting the things that matter to others†(McIntosh amp; Luecke, 2011, p. 15). Lisa has had trouble influencing her boss, Deborah, because she has not shown, clearly enough, herShow MoreRelated Lisa Benton Case Analysis Paper 3 FINAL 6223 Words  | 25 Pages II Lisa Benton Case Analysis Jack Welch Management Institute Dr. Denis Tocci JWMI 510 Abstract In this case analysis I will focus on Deborah Linton and Lisa Benton. Deborah Linton is the Product Manager and is Lisa Benton’s direct supervisor at Houseworld. I will look at Deborah Linton’s leadership approach applying concepts from JWMI-510. I will act as a consultant to Deborah Linton and make recommendations on how she can build an effective team. I will point out why Lisa Benton hasRead MoreDissertation Proposal on Managing Diversity of Workforce18916 Words  | 76 Pagesare experiencing a necessity to make changes as well. The workforce will become increasingly more diverse in the future and this greatly affects the organization in its capacity of hiring and retaining employees. The literature reviewed within this study illustrates the fact that the expectations of employees differ within the generations represented in today’s workforce and unless managers have a sound knowledge-base of the needs and expectations of the organization’s employees then keeping theseRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesCONTENTS: CASE STUDIES CASE STUDY 1 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems CASE STUDY I-1 IMT Custom Machine Company, Inc.: Selection of an Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-2, Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier CASE STUDY I-3 The VoIP Adoption at Butler University CASE STUDY I-4 Supporting Mobile Health Clinics: The Children’s Health Fund of New York City CASE STUDY I-5 Data
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language
Question: Discuss about the Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language. Answer: Introduction: Every individual country is possessed with distinct cultures, ethics, values and beliefs. The underlying concept cultural awareness is the ability based on which civilization of a specific country can recognize their customs, values and beliefs. In order to represent the stature of a particular country cultural awareness plays an important role. In a workplace, diversity becomes a major opportunity as well as the challenge. People belonging to different cultural attitudes and backgrounds are successfully able to adopt each others customs and cultural beliefs. People have to face several barriers in communicating with each other due to the cultural barriers, linguistic barriers, psychological barriers and so many. India and Australia has been chosen a selected country for this particular study. Australia is out an out a developed country having the advancement of technology and cultural flexibility. India is not that much flexible in both socially and economically. This specific study has highlighted cultural and political, historical and demographic similarities and dissimilarities of India and Australia. As per the economy of Australia it is noted that this particular country is popularly known as one of the largest mixed market economies. As per the report of 2015 this country has earned GDP of AUD$1.62 trillion. Therefore, economic strength is one of the most positive aspects of Australia due to which the business organizations are successfully able to pay a good amount of money to the employees (Lumkes, Hallett and Vallade 2012). The employees are having a high level of income status. As a result, people generally tend to lead a high level of life style. The scenario of India is completely different from the vista of Australia. As per the Indian economic strength this particular country is considered as the seventh largest countries in terms of economic strength (Byram 2012). In comparison to the economic growth, the employees and the existing workers of India do not get equal remuneration packages like Australia. In compared to the population, this particular country is not very much flexible to provide equal job opportunity to the inhabitants (Truong, Paradies and Priest 2014). As a result, employees get limited scope to earn sufficient amount of money for building their future career. However, as per the demographic vista both the male and female are equally treated from the society. As a result, female employees do not have to face trouble for being associated with a business organization (Vaara et al. 2012). The picture of India is completely different. Female employees in India have to face large issues in order to hold the position of senior managers. Gender inequality is one of the most effective factors with the help of which female employees do not get enough scope to excel their talents (Shemshadsara 2012). Cultural values of two countries: The cultural attributes of the two countries are different from each other. A larger part of India has still remained under-developed. The states like West Bengal, Manipur, Madhyapradesh have to face innumerable difficulties in maintaining the day-to-day life due to their orthodox cultural beliefs and attitudes (Bohman and Borglin 2014). For an example, the concept of higher studies for the female has become a major concern for the society. Women are allowed to be under the curtain. Therefore, the talented and skilful women have to stop their higher education process due to the superstitious views of the Indian society. Shemshadsara (2012) stated that it is undeniable at the same time that Indian culture believes in unity in diversity. As per the concept of unity in diversity, people from different cultures and attitudes are treated with equal respect and dignity. As a result, people coming from other countries for the purpose of job or higher education do not have to face any kind o f difficulties to get adjusted with Indian. The scenario and cultural vista of Australia is completely different. As per the cultural beliefs and values of Australia, the inhabitants do not have to face innumerable challenges in dealing with the higher education. Especially women are not isolated from the society. They are having the flexibility to share their own opinion regarding anything. At the same time, Burtch, Ghose and Wattal (2013) stated that the people of Australia are not comfortable enough in maintaining unity in diversity at the workplace. As per the culture of human resource managers of the regional business organizations of Australia, the managers tend to recruit those employees at the workplace who belong to Australian culture. As a result, the business managers get the scope to maintain their workplace balance (Byram 2012). Communication style of two countries: The communication style of Indian is completely different from the communication style of Australian. As per the mother tongue, the inhabitants belonging to India are not flexible to use English language in a proper way. Communication can be divided into two primary parts that include verbal communication and non-verbal communication (Rew et al. 2014). The persons who are not flexible enough to maintain an effective communication can use non-verbal mode of communication as well. It is however undeniable that Indians have to face major linguistic barriers while interacting with the people in international language. On other hand, Australians are very much flexible in maintaining an effective communication by using the international language. Most of the people tend to use verbal communication while interacting with each other (Csutora 2012). However, the Indians have to face major difficulties while interacting with the people of Australia at the workplace. Linguistic barrier becomes one of the major hindrances for making an effective interaction between sender and receiver (Byram 2012). Therefore, the inhabitants of these two particular countries have to face innumerable difficulties in working successfully at the organization. Most of the business organizations in order to avoid communication barrier at the workplace have decided to provide a professional training and development process to enhance the communication skill of the employees. Historical and political features of two countries: Australia is divided into states and territories that include Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Northern territory and so many. However, the politics of Australia takes place as per the as per the framework of federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy (Bohman and Borglin 2014). The Australia government in the eight continuous years of substantial fiscal deficit promises to meet the surplus. As per the overall overview, it is clear and evident that Australian political environment is suitable enough for a business organization to run their wings in the market. As per the political set up of Indi, this particular country has to face changing governmental set up with the flow of time. The repeated change of India government has a major impact in establishing a business process as well (Lee, Trimi and Kim 2013). Any kind of political chaos within the country reflects on the organizations as well. Experienced employees from different countries show their reluctance for being associated with the Indian companies due to the uncertain political environment of the business organization (Truong, Paradies and Priest 2014). Organizations belonging to Australia do not have to face any kind of difficulties in working under this political environment. After evaluating the entire study, I have observed that cultural awareness is highly important for representing a particular country. India is possessed with a separate culture where people from various cultural and religious backgrounds are treated equally. I have noticed that India is possessed with large number of people who belong to backward society. As a result, this kind of persons has to face major difficulties to develop their career. I have observed that obstacles that an Indian woman has to face in order to develop their career. The scenario of Australia is completely different from India. I have analysed that the rate of education in this particular country is high in range. As a result, people be its male or female do not have to show major difficulties in interacting with the each other. The political environment of this country is very flexible to run an entire business organization successfully. As a result, the employees do not have to face barriers while dealing wit h the customers as well as internal employees. I have evaluated that Australia is not devoid of some of its major drawbacks as well. The people of Australia tend to show their religious biasness while recruiting an employee at the regional Australian company. Conclusion: The entire study has provided in-depth analyse on how cultural attributes differ from one country to another. In this specific study, the cultural awareness of both Australia and India has been described. The communication style of the two countries, its political features and demographic vista has been discussed though out the entire study. Reference List: Boden, A., Avram, G., Bannon, L. and Wulf, V., 2012. Knowledge sharing practices and the impact of cultural factors: reflections on two case studies of offshoring in SME.Journal of software: Evolution and Process,24(2), pp.139-152. Bohman, D.M. and Borglin, G., 2014. Student exchange for nursing students: Does it raise cultural awareness'? A descriptive, qualitative study.Nurse education in practice,14(3), pp.259-264. Burtch, G., Ghose, A. and Wattal, S., 2013. Cultural differences and geography as determinants of online pro-social lending. Byram, M., 2012. Language awareness and (critical) cultural awarenessrelationships, comparisons and contrasts.Language Awareness,21(1-2), pp.5-13. Csutora, M., 2012. One more awareness gap? The behaviourimpact gap problem.Journal of consumer policy,35(1), pp.145-163. Lee, S.G., Trimi, S. and Kim, C., 2013. The impact of cultural differences on technology adoption.Journal of World Business,48(1), pp.20-29. Lumkes, J.H., Hallett, S. and Vallade, L., 2012. Hearing versus experiencing: The impact of a short-term study abroad experience in China on students perceptions regarding globalization and cultural awareness.International Journal of Intercultural Relations,36(1), pp.151-159. Moran, R.T., Abramson, N.R. and Moran, S.V., 2014.Managing cultural differences. Routledge. Rew, L., Becker, H., Chontichachalalauk, J. and Lee, H.Y., 2014. Cultural diversity among nursing students: reanalysis of the cultural awareness scale.Journal of Nursing Education,53(2), pp.71-76. Shemshadsara, Z.G., 2012. Developing cultural awareness in foreign language teaching.English Language Teaching,5(3), p.95. Truong, M., Paradies, Y. and Priest, N., 2014. Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: a systematic review of reviews.BMC health services research,14(1), p.99. Vaara, E., Sarala, R., Stahl, G.K. And Bjrkman, I., 2012. The Impact Of Organizational And National Cultural Differences On Social Conflict And Knowledge Transfer In International Acquisitions.Journal Of Management Studies,49(1), pp.1-27.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
A Pocket Full of Rye Essay Example
A Pocket Full of Rye Essay Example A Pocket Full of Rye Essay A Pocket Full of Rye Essay A Pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry #1 (P. 1-24) What really stuck out to me as I was reading this, was the well, the obvious rye in Mr. Fortescues pocket. Why would something like that be there? I think maybe he feeds pigeons at a park or he might Just like rye, but still Now onto Inspector Neele. He seems fairly intelligent and hes able to get information out of people quite easily without them even knowing, as it shows on page 21, it states, Lance has got guts even if he did risk a criminal prosecution once- Oh dear, I oughtnt to have said that! This can allow the inspector to hopefully find the murderer. Anyway, I have a suspect in mind who could have been responsible for the murder. Im thinking Mr. Percival, his own son! That would be pretty cruel to murder your father. I think its him because recently theyVe been arguing due to, as it states on page 20, Well, Mr. Fortescue was doing a lot of things Mr. Percival thought unwise. You dont murder someone without reason, they alway s have a motive and that might be Percivals. Its still too early to make accusations, but its wise to keep him in mind. A pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry #2 (P. 25-47) In these few pages we get bombarded with many new characters and with new haracters comes new suspects. I doubt it was the butler, Mr. Crump or the Chef, Mrs. Crump. I dont think it was the house maid Mrs. Ellen or Miss. Gladys. Miss. Dove is fairly innocent, but if she wanted she could have pulled off the murder. Shes a very efficient person as shes in charge of most things. She also does not really care for her employer, as it says on page 32, IVe no feeling of loyalty to my employers, so that might be a clue. In the end I think Miss. Dove most likely is innocent, but we cant be too sure. It could have also been anyone who was eating breakfast with Mr. Fortescue which includes, Mrs. Fortescue, Miss. Fortescue, and Mrs. Val Fortescue. That narrows it down, I dont think it was Miss. Fortescue or Elaine his daughter. It might be Mrs. Fortesuce, his wife whos thirty years younger and married for money or Mrs. Val who greatly despises him. Its hard to exactly pin point someone, but those are my main suspects as of now. A Pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry #3 (P. 8-70) Finally we are introduced to Mrs. Fortescue. Shes one of my main suspects. Im thinking that she killed Mr. Fortescue. Her motive? The money. My logic is quite simple, she killed Mr. Fortescue so that she could inherit all his money, which is quite a lot. Thats Just what I think, theres no real evidence yet. Also as it states on page 53, On her lips was a very faint smile. So Adele or Mrs. Fortescue Just might be the murderer. We ca nt be too sure yet though. Im confused as to why Percy or Percival is reluctant to tell Inspector Neele of the argument. Maybe it has something to do with the murder? It can be Percivals motive, but to kill your own father? Thats a bit outrageous. Im wonaerlng I T Ms. RamsDottom Is sane. sne seems qulte alrlgnt, all she does is stay in her room. Surely she has nothing to do with the murder? She does despise Rex (Mr. Fortescue) though. It seems like everyone hates Rex as of now. Ms. Ramsbottom, Mrs. Val, Percival, etc. Very shortly Lance the other son will be coming. I think hell be a big help in discovering the murderer. A Pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry #4 (P. 71-98) Well this part was full of surprises. I mean, Adele Fortescue has been poisoned! Cyanide to be exact. I thought she might have been a suspect. I casted her as a murderess, but I guess not. Another death was of Gladys the housemaid. Two deaths already? Right after Mr. Fortesuces! This was rather surprising, I thought the deaths would have ceased as the inspector is in the house. Whoever it is, they are certainly cunning to be able to pull it off. I infer that Vivian Dubois might have something to do with the murder, but Im not too sure. This narrows down the suspect even further, yet it seems more puzzling. Another part that puzzled me was on page 98, it states, There was a clothes peg clipped on her face. Is this some kind of twisted Joke from the murderer? This reminds me of the Joker, twisted, but not broken. A pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry #5 (P. 99-132) This part has certainly probed my thoughts about the murderer. Obviously he was basing it off the nursery, Blackbirds. I doubt its all a coincidence. It all fits together perfectly, the king in his counting house, the scones and honey, and the clothes peg. Miss. Marple seems quite intelligent to be able to fgure that out. I predict that she might be the one to crack the mystery instead of the inspector. After all it is called a Miss Marple Mystery, so she maybe more than Just an ordinary character. One thing thats quite curious is Vivians behavior. Hes quite cautious much like Percival. Speaking of Percival, he hasnt been around much recently which is quite convenient for him. Could this be a clue? Or is this Just all a fluke? Another thing is the marmalade. Mr. Fortescue was the only one who used it which caused his death as the marmalade had taxine. It had been tampered with, but I wonder who it is? Clearly that would have made the murder much more efficient. I guess well Just find out further on. A pocket Full of Rye: journal Entry (P. 133-160) Why was Mrs. Val so nervous at the mention of blackbirds? Does she have something to do with putting the blackbirds on Mr. Fortescues desk? The blackbirds in the pie also sparked my curiosity. Who would do that? Im thinking whoever put the blackbirds are also related to the murders. It could be a possibility. Another curious character at the moment is Vivian. He seems very likely to be the murderer. From his point of view, he killed Mr. Fortescue so he could have Adele, then maybe he killed her then to obtain the money. You never know, they are very unpleasant people. But theres a fatal flaw, as states on page 159, Adele would not inherit the money if she didnt survive one month. Maybe it isnt Vivian. Who could it be? Also about Mr. Fortescues illness, GPI would have put his firm under the rocks. Percival has always been a cunning and sly fellow. Hes very passionate about economics and his money. Mayoe ne took out Mr. Fortescue In order to restraln nlm ana save tne Tlrm? Mayoe, thats definitely a possibility. I can certainly imagine him planning it all out. It seems to become more puzzling as the story progress, but Im sure everything will be clear soon. A pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry #7 (P. 161-190) Regarding Mrs. MacKenzie, shes definitely in the asylum for a reason. Shes almost scary carrying her book with names in it. It reminds me of the show Death Note. I wonder, where her children are. According to her, he died and she doesnt have a daughter. Apparently she erased her completely. Maybe her daughter is the one responsible for everything? It seems to have become even more complex than before. Also on page 190, how can Miss. Marple be sure that therell be no more murders? Does she know something that the inspector doesnt? She does seem fairly intelligent, but then again so is the inspector. One thing that Im surprised about is Lance going into the business. He doesnt seem like the type to wear a suit and go to work in an office every day. Mentioning that, why is Percival so against Lance Joining him? Shouldnt he be happy he now has extra help? Then again he does despise Lance, but I can shake off the feeling that Percival may have something to do with this hole scenario. You never know, he seems like a slippery fellow. A pocket Full of Rye: Journal Entry (P. 191-239) First things first, I cant believe it was Lance! Its crazy, I never even suspected him! I thought he was going to be the good guy in this story and his brother Percival was bad. Lancelot Fortescue murder Rex Fortescue, Gladys Martin, and Adele Fortescue all so that he could obtain money. That is very wicked and as they say, wickedness wont go unpunished. Who would have actually thought that he would be the suspect? I do admire his bravery to go and commit such a thing and his intelligence to actually lan this all together. A mastermind wouldnt even be able to come up with a devious plan like this. It Just shows how intelligent Miss. Marple is to be able to come up with this. I underestimated her abilities. I do feel bad for Pat and Gladys though. Pat really loved Lance, but will she after she finds out about all of this? Also Gladys, she was well not entirely innocent, but she didnt deserve to die! He basically used her to complete his scheme. Even though Lance committed all of this, I cant really look at him as being evil. Maybe its respect, I mean I wouldnt have ever thought it was him. Hes truly an evil genius.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Tyranny essays
Tyranny essays Within The Republic, Plato states that tyranny is the most diseased kind of society (Republic, 544c). Aristotle echoes this belief when he boldly asserts within Politics that great honours should be bestowed... on him who kills a tyrant. (Politics, 1267a15) From these quotes alone, it is clear that both share a disdain for tyranny. This essay will compare and contrast Plato (the Republic) with Aristotle (the Politics) on the causes and consequences of tyranny. In order to grasp how Plato accounts for the development of tyranny, it is important to understand how he equates the city with the soul. Within The Republic, Plato explains that the soul consists of three parts: reason (wisdom), spirit (courage/honour) and appetite (moderation/desire). The class structure of Platos ideal city also embodies these divisions: The guardians or philosopher kings represent wisdom and are entrusted to rule; the auxiliaries represent courage and serve to protect the city; the producers represent moderation and serve to provide the economic and agricultural base for the city. While, as Plato connotes in this analogy, all three parts have a place in constructing the ideal, reason is the guiding force that mediates and draws from the competing nature of these parts to produce a just city. Accordingly, since change in every regime comes from that part of it which holds the ruling offices, (Republic, 551d) it is the loss of reason by the ruling class which destroys the just city and provides for the eventual onset of tyranny, a state devoid of harmony amongst its parts. In explaining how the ideal city would eventually degenerate, Plato puts forth a four-stage linear digression towards tyranny. From the ideal state, a timocracy is first born from the love of honour. As wealth becomes cherished among the citizens, timocracy gives way to oligarchy. In an oligarchic state, the desire for f...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Statements - Essay Example Companies are required file their 10-K annual financial report to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The 10-K is filed within 60 days from the end of the company’s accounting period. The 10-K is the SEC’s standard blank form used by companies for submitting their financial reports. Interested parties can acquire the 10-K Securities and Exchange Commission reports for use in enhancing their investment or divestment decisions (Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, 2011). Part II: The accounting equation is shown as: Assets = Liabilities + Capital. The assets represent all the resources of the company (Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, 2011). Example: Assets = Liabilities + Capital $ 250,000 = $ 20,000 + $ 200,000 Assets = $50,000, Accts Receivable $ 50,000. Building $200,000. Liabilities = Accounts payable $ 5,000, Notes payable $ 15,000 Capital = Bush, Capital $ 230,000, Bush, drawing $ 30,000 The company owns the resources. Cash is one of the company’s assets (Wild, Shaw, Chiappett a, 2011). Cash includes the coins and paper money. Cash also includes the checks that are paid by the company’s customers. The assets include accounts receivable. Accounts receivable asset represents the amounts owed by the creditors. Sometimes companies sell their product on account. This means the company delivers their products to the customers. In turn, the customers promise to pay their debts after several days or months. The debt amount is recorded as accounts receivable in the company’s books of accounts. The inventory represents items that are being sold in the company’s stores. The inventory also includes unused office supplies, unused cleaning supplies, and other unused items that are owned by the company. The building...The debt amount is recorded as accounts receivable in the company’s books of accounts. The inventory represents items that are being sold in the company’s stores. The inventory also includes unused office supplies, unused cleaning supplies, and other unused items that are owned by the company. The building account is another company asset. Since the company owns the building, the building is included in the assets account. The office equipment is part of the company’s asset account. The office equipment includes the computers, typewriters, calculators, and adding machines. The company has some liabilities to pay (Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, 2011). The liabilities represent what the company owes its creditors. Similarly, the suppliers may offer the company credit terms when the company buys goods from its suppliers. In exchange for purchased items, the company promises to pay its debts in a few days or months. When this occurs, the company records an accounts payable amount. Further, when company is required to sign a note promising that they will pay the debt within a few days or months, the company records a notes payable amount in its books of accounts. When the company applies or a ten year ba nk loan, the company records a long term loan amount.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Decision Making Assessment (Synthesis) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Decision Making Assessment (Synthesis) - Essay Example The study deals in focusing on the decision making concept with reference to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Frame is defined as â€Å"the structural core of the paradigmatic mental model that brings to a problem†(Johnson & Russo, 1994, p. 290). In simple terms decision making frames creates its own ideas and focuses on the environment. By ideas it is meant that the environmental issues should be considered that are affected by the decision (Johnson & Russo, 1994, p. 290). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers considers environmental sustainability as their key principle. The Corp team diligently works to strengthen the security of the nation by developing and preserving the infrastructure of America and offering military facilities (About us, n.d.). Any type of decision making is backed by reasoning. A bad decision comes from distortion and biases, which creates a series of mental flaws and obstructs the sense of reasoning. So before coming to any decision reasoning should be done properly (The Hidden Traps in Decision Making, n.d.). Behind any decision taken by the organization, the main reason is to â€Å"strengthen the security system, energize the economy and reduce the risks from disasters†(Mission & Vision, n.d.). For this reason a group of trained individual is continuously working to provide innovative and sustainable solutions (Mission & Vision, n.d.). Declarative knowledge in decision making gives importance to the ordering of attributes and relative desirability of various levels within the attributes that are required to implement the strategy. Thus the experience and expertise of a decision maker is bound to be affected by the declarative and procedural memory in following a plan (Goldstain & Weber, 1995, p.116). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers always transform the ways they do their business based on the Campaign Plan. A set of experienced, trained and certified workers, work as per
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Benefiting Students Through A Brain-Based Learning Environment Essay Example for Free
Benefiting Students Through A Brain-Based Learning Environment Essay The question of nature versus nurture as it pertains to human development has been a debate among psychologists for years. And after decades of research, there is still no definitive answer as to whether nature (genes) or nurture (environment and upbringing) are responsible for certain characteristics of an individual. However, many researchers now believe that environmental factors play a more significant role than genetic factors. The acceptance of this belief has many implications for teachers, because it directly affects the teaching strategies they will use in the classroom. In addition, recent findings in brain-based research are providing educators with an understanding of how the brain learns, and how it learns best. As a result, in order to optimize student motivation, involvement, and retention, teachers can no longer ignore the importance of brain-based learning in the educational environment (Wilmes, Harrington, Kohler-Evans, Sumpter, 2008). In the text, Brain-Based Learning The New Paradigm of Teaching, Eric Jensen emphasizes the correlation between students’ emotional states and their learning potential. Adjacently, of the various emotional states a student experiences at any given time, distressed is the most detrimental. A brain in distress results in a long list of negative impacts on learning, including the loss of the ability to correctly interpret subtle clues from the environment, the loss of the ability to index and access information, diminished long-term memory, loss of the ability to perceived relationships, and a lessened capacity for high-order thinking (Jensen, 44). Therefore, managing classroom stress through brain-based strategies is an enormous advantage for students. Childhood stress can be caused by any situation that requires a person to adapt or change (Larzelere, 2010). These changes can be positive such as a new sibling or a new pet, or negative such as poverty, abuse, and separation. It is understandable that the negative stressors are the most harmful to a child’s development. One of the greatest challenges for teachers that aim to alleviate students’ stress is that not all stress-related symptoms are directly measurable or obvious to others (e.g., worry, headache ), thus unrecognized symptoms are likely to go untreated (Shah, 2011). Still, there are many brain-based strategies that teachers can incorporate to help reduce the amount of stress a student experiences in the classroom. First of all, educators can increase a students’ sense of security at school by opening a dialogue with them about their fears. In fact, sometimes just the opportunity to talk about these issues helps reduce the burden (Jensen, 49). In addition, by incorporating small group activities and the use of teamwork among students, a teacher can strengthen a student’s ability to communicate and problem solve. Another example of how a teacher can encourage positive relationships among their students is to offer as much choice and autonomy as possible. Research has shown that creating a classroom environment where student expression and choice are solicited provides a welcoming atmosphere for children to grow at independent rates (Rushton, 2008). There are many ways in which a teacher can afford their students the opportunity to express themselves. Incorporating art, dance, poetry, singing, journal reflection, sports, and debate into a student’s classroom experience are al l productive ways of giving students choice. They are also great ways to introduce rituals of positive affirmation. For example, by creating traditions of applause and team cheers, teachers can help bolster a students’ confidence and improve their self-esteem. Another type of negative stress that some students feel is performance anxiety. Performance anxiety is a fear of not being able to complete a task to the best of one’s ability. As a result, students often experience a â€Å"mental block†, or an inability to retrieve stored information or think creatively. It is very common for students to have performance anxiety before test taking, often times negatively affecting their test scores. Studies show that emotional self-efficacy appears useful in managing negative effects of anxiety (Galla, Wood, 2012). Teachers can help to lessen the occurrence of performance anxiety in their students by regularly activating prior learning. For instance, reviewing previous lessons, offering generous feedback, and establishing mechanisms for self-evaluation and peer review, are all strategie s a teacher can use to reduce learner stress and increase confidence immediately (Jensen, 50). While stress management is an important aspect of supporting a brain-compatible learning environment, stress is not the only emotional state that students cope with. There is a myriad of emotions that a student can feel from one time to another, and a myriad of external stimuli that can trigger those emotions as well. The child’s brain receives stimuli from the learning environment via each of their senses as the stimuli are transformed into a chemical electrical reaction that is the beginning of all learning (Rushton, 2008). One example of such stimuli is classroom acoustics. Poorly designed classrooms that fail to address and reduce ambient noise, echo effect, reverberation, and other acoustical problems cause a decrease in student attention and an increase in off-task behaviors (Jensen, 73). Students whose learning style is predominantly auditory are at the biggest disadvantage. As a result, discipline problems increase and student learning is negatively affected. Such problems are an enormous issue for schools today.For example, many schools across the country have classrooms that exceed the maximum background noise level of 30 to 35 d ecibels recommended by the Acoustical Society of America (Harris, Lambert, 2011). Therefore it is important for teachers to implement brain-based strategies to counter-act the negative effect of a poor acoustical learning environment. This can be done simply by moving around the classroom while speaking. Also, changing the location of students around the classroom can help those at a disadvantage. Using music appropriately in the classroom is another brain-compatible way to positively affect students’ emotional state throughout the learning process. In fact, recent research suggests that music may be a powerful tool in building reasoning power, memory, and intelligence (Jensen, 76). A teacher can change a negative emotional state simply by playing upbeat music in the background periodically throughout the day. Lesson plans can also be enriched through the use of music to elicit certain emotions relevant to the subject matter. Such emotional involvement greatly helps the student comprehend and retain the lesson. Music not only affects students emotionally, but physiologically as well. Music’s potential effects on the body include, increase muscular energy, increased heartrate, reduction of pain and stress, relief of fatigue, and stimulation of creativity, sensitivity, and thinking (Jensen, 75). Another example of external stimuli that can affect learning is classroom aroma. Aromas are especially important because they take one of the most direct pathways to the brain (Jensen, 72). The sense of smell affects brain chemistry and has the ability to change moods in powerful ways. Certain types of scent stimulation like food can disrupt the accelerated learning functions of our brain, and chemical smells from air fresheners, perfume, and even some essential oils can be distracting and block learning (Rogers, 2010). However, certain aromas, such as peppermint, basil, and lemon, enhance motivation, attention, and creativity. And aromas such as chamomile, lavender, orange, and rose calm nerve s and encourage relaxation (Jensen, 72). By using aromas appropriately in the classroom, and keeping aware of aromas that are disruptive or distracting, a teacher can optimize their students’ learning environment. Light in the environment is an additional example of external stimuli that can hinder a students’ learning potential. Lighting strongly influences vision, which strongly influences learning, thus anything we can do to make our eyes more comfortable in the classroom contributes to optimal learning (Jensen, 57). Classrooms that receive a lot of natural sunlight are the most advantageous for students. Natural sunlight helps students’ mood and motivation by delivering vitamin D through uptake by the skin, and in turn raising mood-elevating serotonin. In fact, studies have shown that students with the most sunlight in their classrooms progressed 20 percent faster on math tests and 26 percent faster on reading tests compared to students with the least lighting (Jensen, 58). However, on the other side of the coin, too much morning sunlight can have an adverse effect. Thus, it is important for educators to have an awareness of the effect classroom lighting has on their students learning and strategize accordingly. By providing a variety of lighting types in the classroom and giving learners a choice in determining where they sit can help with student comfort in the classroom (Jensen, 58). Color also plays an enormous role in creating a productive and secure learning environment. Color is an important factor in the physical learning environment and is a major element in interior design that impacts student achievement, as well as teacher effectiveness and staff efficiency. Research has demonstrated that specific colors and patterns directly influence the health, morale, emotions, behavior, and performance of learners, depending on the individual’s culture, age, gender, and developmental level, the subject being studied, and the activity being conducted (Harrington, Kohler-Evans, Sumpter, 2008). Therefore, educators wanting to take advantage of the benefit of brain-based environment can implement classroom color schemes that maximize student involvement. For instance, like aromas, some colors elicit feelings of alertness and inspiration, while others elicit feelings of relaxation. Teacher can enhance student participation and motivation by use of color in hand-ou ts and power point presentation. In addition, teachers can use colors to elicit appropriate emotion in regard to subject matter in lessons. Such as sullen blues or vibrant reds, depending on the subject matter. Again, this greatly helps to emotionally bond the student to the lesson.Another external stimulus that greatly affects a student’s classroom environment is room temperature. Take for example, a student coming back to a warm classroom after eating a good lunch. A classroom environment that is too warm can makes students feel lethargic and unmotivated. Classrooms that are too warm are often the culprit for students falling asleep in class. On the other hand, a classroom that is too cold can make students feel distracted due to feeling uncomfortable. Based on a survey given to teachers, it was concluded that classroom conditions improved by air conditioning included reduced annoyances, improved visual display and flexibility, and comfortable conditions (Gallo, Wood, 2012). In final, teachers who understand the affect of stress and external stimuli in the learning environment and the advantages of brain-compatible learning strategies, visualize a developmentally appropriate brain- researched learning environment which allows an educational focus to preside while student autonomy prevails. Effective teachers support brain development by encouraging children to make discoveries in well-planned environments that support student autonomy (Rushton, 2008). With the benefits well outweighing the required teacher effortt and iniitiative, brain-compatible learning strategies offer far more advantages than hindrances. Students can only win in the long run when teachers utilize these strategies. References Galla, B. M., Wood, J. J. (2012). Emotional self-efficacy moderates anxiety-related impairments in math performance in elementary school-age youth. Personality Individual Differences, 52(2), 118-122. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.09.012 Harris, B., Lambert, C.. (2011, May). Impacting Learning. School Planning Management, 50(5), 44. Retrieved December 19, 2011, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 2382182351). Jensen, E. (2008). Brain-Based Learning The New Paradigm of Teaching. (2 ed.). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press. Larzelere MM, Jones GN. Stress and Health. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. December 2008;35(4). Rogers, D. (2010). Mmmmmm . . . Peppermint and rustling leaves. Times Educational Supplement, (4887), 3. Rushton, S., Juola-Rushton, A. (2008). Classroom Learning Environment, Brain Research and The No Child Left Behind Initiative: 6 years Later. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(1), 87-92. doi:10.1007/s10643-008-0244-5 SHAH, N. (2011). Students Stress Li nked To Class Environments. Education Week, 30(24), 5. Wilmes, B., Harrington, L., Kohler-Evans, P., Sumpter, D. (2008). COMING TO OUR SENSES: INCORPORATING BRAIN RESEARCH FINDINGS INTO CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION. Education, 128(4), 659-666.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
When Adolf Hitler was put in as Chancellor in 1933, he started to begin the program of the NSDAP, the National Socialist German Labor Party. The highest priorities were to put all men back to work and to increase the birthrate. Both were accomplished by re-instituting the traditional roles of men and women. Within the next 10 years, most women were won over to National Socialism, content to do their part in the great national resurgence. How does this apply to the women of America as we stand at the beginning of the 21st Century? Can we believe that National Socialism offers us something positive too? The answer is yes, there are many advantages National Socialism gives women over other ways of organization. The first concern that women have is their status. Do they become second-class citizens in a male dominated National Socialist state? They do not. National Socialism is based on traditional values, just as volkish paganism and Traditional Christianity. A National Socialist nation is built on the foundation of the family. At the center of the family are children. Children raised in a family learn what it is to be part of a family. From that, they understand they’re part of an even larger unit, a racially homogeneous national family. The woman not only carries the children, but takes on the primary task of raising and teaching them to be healthy and productive members of the nation. In a National Socialist society, there is no higher calling than that of mother. National Socialism provides an array of resources to prepare young women for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and to instruct them in the most enlightened child-care practices for the optimum health and well-being of both themselves and their childr... ...lty, honesty, cleanliness, trustworthiness, and respect for life and innocence. Assuredly, men who do not have or strive for all these qualities are not true National Socialist men, no matter if they wear a uniform or wave a swastika. It isn’t only women who are asked to put the group as a whole before the individual self, for even greater sacrifice is asked of our men. What woman prefers a coward who buckles to an alien system for temporary safety or benefits, to a partner who is willing to stand and fight for the values and continuing existence of his race? In the end, the greatest appeal of National Socialism to a woman may be that it gives her an heroic National Socialist man as a partner. It is the honor with which they regard each other that can raise their relationship to a true marriage made in Heaven, or Valhalla. And what more can a woman ask?
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Leadership Style
Finding a role model to evaluate his or her style of leadership and identifying ones own characteristics as a leader are he starting point for creating a personal development plan to work toward becoming the type of leader one wishes to be. Mary Kay Ash According to Hulk, transformational leaders, â€Å"seek to raise the consciousness of followers by appealing to ideals and moral values such as liberty, justice, equality, peace, and humanitarianism, not to baser emotions such as fear, greed, jealousy, or hatred†(2013, p. 347). Mary Kay Ash was a transformational leader.During a time period where women were not viewed as equal to men, she started a new business that empowered women. Not only did she build a business for women, she established a charitable foundation to support cancer research and later expanded its purpose to fighting violence against women (celebrating Mary Kay Ash†, n. D. ). It would take a huge amount of courage, confidence, and drive to accomplish th e things she was able to. To have this type of impact on such a large group of people even would provide a person with an enormous sense of accomplishment.Strengths of Self Qualities necessary to be a positive leader that are possessed by the author include respectful, good communicator, resourceful, rewarding, an openness to change, organized, delegated, takes initiative, listens to and responds to feedback as well as provides constructive feedback to others (University of Oregon, 2009). Treating others with respect will lead to them giving respect. Communicating is an essential function of leading. The leader must be able to share the goal and vision as well as provide direction. People also have a need to be heard, so it is important for a leader to listen to others and their ideas.Weaknesses Of Self Qualities that may hold a person from reaching his or her goal of being a transformational leader are being task oriented instead of people oriented. A transformational leader change s the lives of others and this is harder to accomplish if the main focus is the task not the person. A need to control has its strong points as well as its weaknesses. It is important to know when to allow others to take control. Characteristics that are Transformational To become this type of leader would not only transform the lives of others but of the author as a leader herself.Being a motivational leader is a positive starting point in working toward becoming a transformational leader. Knowing one's abilities is important but constantly striving to improve learning to do more and better can inspire others that they can do the same. Seeing an organized leader who thrives under pressure, using planning as a tool to succeed will show others they are capable of overcoming their stress and do better. The most important quality a person needs to become a transformational leader is a belief in and desire to developing others both personally and professional.Development Plan Having a m entor is an excellent way to identify a person's qualities as a leader and develop a plan that will help that person become the leader he or she desires to be. Working toward becoming a transformational leader is an enormous goal. The first step in reaching this goal is identifying the needs of others and how they are motivated. Then setting personal goals that work toward the development into a transformational leader. It is important to begin with smaller goals, such as encouraging coworkers to do more and do better.If they take pride in their work and their job it will reflect in the equines. By setting smaller, reachable goals a person will be encouraged and inspired to continue to work and reach the final goal. Conclusion Being in a position to empower, motivate, and uplift women is only part of what it would take to be a transformational leader. Taking action and taking charge of her life and future is what Mary Kay Ash did, and showed other women they could do it as well. To change a person's leadership style it is necessary to identify that person's characteristics as a leader. Leadership Style Definition of Leadership A leader is someone who can influence others and who has a managerial authority. Leadership is what leaders do. More specifically, it’s the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. Group Leadership Leadership is concerned with control and power in a group. Leadership can be aimed at either maintaining the interpersonal relationships in the group or prodding the group to achieve its task. Kinds of Leadership Groups typically benefit from two kinds of leadership i. e. Instrumental leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental Leadership: This kind of leadership refers to group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks. Members look to instrumental leadership to make plans, give orders and get things done. Characteristics of instrumental leadership Instrumental leaders usually have formal, secondary relations with other group members. They give orders and rewards and punish members according to their contribution to the group’s efforts. Enjoy more respect from members when successful. Their main goal is completion of task. Expressive Leadership: Expressive leadership is a group leadership that focuses on the group's well being. Example: the democratic style of leadership is an example of expressive leadership. Characteristics of Expressive leadership Expressive leaders take less interest in achieving goals than in promoting the well-being of members, raising group morale and minimizing tensions and conflicts among the group members. Expressive leaders build more personal and primary ties. They show sympathy to their group members. They generally receive more personal affection. Leadership Styles Definition: Leadership styles refer to the various patterns of behavior favored by leaders during the process of directing and influencing workers. Sociologists describe leadership in terms of decision making styles. The three major types of leadership are the following: Authoritarian or autocratic leadership. Democratic or Participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style. In the past several decades, management experts have undergone a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes are toward it. They have gone from a very classical autocratic approach to a very creative, participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that not everything old was bad and not everything new was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. Authoritarian Leadership This is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Employees are expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations. The motivation environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments. This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. This leadership style has been greatly criticized during the past 30 years. Some studies say that organizations with many autocratic leaders have higher turnover and absenteeism than other organizations. These studies say that autocratic leaders: Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees. Do not allow for employee input. Autocratic leadership is not all bad. Sometimes it is the most effective style to use. These situations can include: New, untrained employees who do not know which tasks to perform or which procedures to follow. Effective supervision can be provided only through detailed orders and instructions. A manager’s power is challenged by an employee. Democratic or Participative leadership The democratic leadership style is also called the participative style as it encourages employees to be a part of the decision making. The democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. This style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members before making a decision. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees evaluate their own performance. Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted. Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like the other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate. It is most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems. This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything  this is why you employ knowledgeable and skillful employees. Using this style is of mutual benefit  it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better decisions. Laissez-faire leadership Laissez faire is a French word meaning noninterference in the affairs of others. Laissez means to let, allow and faire means to do. The laissez-faire leadership style is also known as the â€Å"hands-off? style. It is one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own. In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks. This is an effective style to use when: Employees are highly skilled, experienced, and educated. Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used. Employees are trustworthy and experienced. Varying Leadership Style While the proper leadership style depends on the situation, there are three other factors that also influence which leadership style to use. The manager’s personal background. What personality, knowledge, values, ethics, and experiences does the manager have? What does he or she think will work? The employees being supervised. Employees are individuals with different personalities and backgrounds. The leadership style managers use will vary depending upon the individual employee and what he or she will respond best to. The company. The traditions, values, philosophy, and concerns of the company will influence how a manager acts. There are a lot of arguments for and against each of the effective leadership styles. For example, the followers of an authoritarian leader are more prone to having low motivation and morale. They may find it difficult to get inspired because the leader is more impersonal, task oriented, demanding, and not considerate of their opinions. However despite this, there are situations where an authoritarian leadership style is the most effective. Such as when time is short, when the leader has all the information and a quick decision is needed. Anything other than an authoritarian leader will result in poorer outcomes. Theories of Leadership People have been interested in leadership since they have started coming together in groups to accomplish goals. However, it wasn’t until the early part of the twentieth century that researchers usually began to study it. These early leadership theories focused on the leader (trait theories) and how the leader interacted with his or her group members (behavioral theories) while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill level. While many different leadership theories have emerged, most can be classified as one of eight major types: ‘Great Man’ Theory Early research on leadership was based on the study of people who were already great leaders. These people were often from the aristocracy, as few from lower classes had the opportunity to lead. This contributed to the notion that leadership had something to do with breeding. The idea of the Great Man also strayed into the mythic domain, with notions that in times of need, a Great Man would arise, almost by magic. This was easy to verify, by pointing to people such as Eisenhower and Churchill. The term â€Å"Great Man†was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership. Trait theory In searching for measurable leadership traits, researchers have taken two approaches: Comparing the traits of those who have emerged as leaders with the traits who have not and Comparing the traits of effective leaders with those of ineffective leaders. Early research on leadership was based on the psychological focus of the day, which was of people having inherited characteristics or traits. Attention was thus put on discovering these traits, often by studying successful leaders, but with the underlying assumption that if other people could also be found with these traits, then they, too, could also become great leaders. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. But if particular traits are key features of leadership, how do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the difficulties in using trait theories to explain leadership. Behavioral theory When it became evident that effective leaders did not seem to have a particular set of distinguishing traits, researchers tried to isolate the behavior characteristics of effective leaders. In other words, rather than try to figure out who effective leaders are, researchers tried to determine what effective leaders do i. e. how they delegate tasks, how they communicate with and try to motivate their followers or employees and so on. Behaviors, unlike traits, can be learned, so it is followed that individuals trained in appropriate leadership behaviors would be able to lead more effectively. Participative theory A Participative Leader, rather than taking autocratic decisions, seeks to involve other people in the process, possibly including subordinates, peers, superiors and other stakeholders. Often, however, as it is within the managers' whim to give or deny control to his or her subordinates, most participative activity is within the immediate team. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. The level of participation may also depend on the type of decision being made. Decisions on how to implement goals may be highly participative, whilst decisions during subordinate performance evaluations are more likely to be taken by the manager. Contingency theory Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theory that contends that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others. Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers, and aspects of the situation. This theory focuses on the following factors: Task requirement. Peer’s expectations and behavior. Employees’ characteristics, expectations and behavior. Organizational culture and policies. Situational theory One of the major contingency approaches to leadership is Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard’s â€Å"situational leadership model†which holds that the most effective leadership style varies with the â€Å"readiness†of employees. When a decision is needed, an effective leader does not just fall into a single preferred style, such as using transactional or transformational ethods. In practice, as they say, things are not that simple. Factors that affect situational decisions include motivation and capability of followers. This, in turn, is affected by factors within the particular situation. The relationship between followers and the leader may be another factor that affects leader behavior as much as it does follower behavior. The leaders' pe rception of the follower and the situation will affect what they do rather than the truth of the situation. The leader's perception of themselves and other factors such as stress and mood will also modify the leaders' behavior. Transformational or Charismatic theory Working for a Transformational Leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about you and want you to succeed. One area of growing interest is the study of individuals who have an exceptional impact on their organizations. These individuals may be called â€Å"charismatic†or â€Å"transformational†leaders. First, many large companies including IBM, GM etc have embarked on organizational â€Å"transformations†programs of extensive changes that must be accomplished in short periods of time. Bass’s theory of transformational leadership Bass defined transformational leadership in terms of how the leader affects followers, who are intended to trust, admire and respect the transformational leader. He identified three ways in which leaders transform followers: Increasing their awareness of task importance and value. Getting them to focus first on team or organizational goals, rather than their own interests. Activating their higher-order needs. Bass has recently noted that authentic transformational leadership is grounded in moral foundations that are based on four components: Idealized influence Inspirational motivation Intellectual stimulation Individualized consideration Transactional or Management theory Management theories (also known as â€Å"Transactional theories†) focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of reward and punishment. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are ewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished. The early stage of Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby the subordinate is given a salary and other benefits, and the company gets authority over the subordinate. When the Transactional Leader allocates work to a subordinate, they are considered to be fully responsible for it, whether or not they have th e resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding). Leadership Style Definition of Leadership A leader is someone who can influence others and who has a managerial authority. Leadership is what leaders do. More specifically, it’s the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. Group Leadership Leadership is concerned with control and power in a group. Leadership can be aimed at either maintaining the interpersonal relationships in the group or prodding the group to achieve its task. Kinds of Leadership Groups typically benefit from two kinds of leadership i. e. Instrumental leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental Leadership: This kind of leadership refers to group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks. Members look to instrumental leadership to make plans, give orders and get things done. Characteristics of instrumental leadership Instrumental leaders usually have formal, secondary relations with other group members. They give orders and rewards and punish members according to their contribution to the group’s efforts. Enjoy more respect from members when successful. Their main goal is completion of task. Expressive Leadership: Expressive leadership is a group leadership that focuses on the group's well being. Example: the democratic style of leadership is an example of expressive leadership. Characteristics of Expressive leadership Expressive leaders take less interest in achieving goals than in promoting the well-being of members, raising group morale and minimizing tensions and conflicts among the group members. Expressive leaders build more personal and primary ties. They show sympathy to their group members. They generally receive more personal affection. Leadership Styles Definition: Leadership styles refer to the various patterns of behavior favored by leaders during the process of directing and influencing workers. Sociologists describe leadership in terms of decision making styles. The three major types of leadership are the following: Authoritarian or autocratic leadership. Democratic or Participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style. In the past several decades, management experts have undergone a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes are toward it. They have gone from a very classical autocratic approach to a very creative, participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that not everything old was bad and not everything new was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. Authoritarian Leadership This is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Employees are expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations. The motivation environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments. This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. This leadership style has been greatly criticized during the past 30 years. Some studies say that organizations with many autocratic leaders have higher turnover and absenteeism than other organizations. These studies say that autocratic leaders: Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees. Do not allow for employee input. Autocratic leadership is not all bad. Sometimes it is the most effective style to use. These situations can include: New, untrained employees who do not know which tasks to perform or which procedures to follow. Effective supervision can be provided only through detailed orders and instructions. A manager’s power is challenged by an employee. Democratic or Participative leadership The democratic leadership style is also called the participative style as it encourages employees to be a part of the decision making. The democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. This style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members before making a decision. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees evaluate their own performance. Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted. Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like the other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate. It is most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems. This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything  this is why you employ knowledgeable and skillful employees. Using this style is of mutual benefit  it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better decisions. Laissez-faire leadership Laissez faire is a French word meaning noninterference in the affairs of others. Laissez means to let, allow and faire means to do. The laissez-faire leadership style is also known as the â€Å"hands-off? style. It is one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own. In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks. This is an effective style to use when: Employees are highly skilled, experienced, and educated. Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used. Employees are trustworthy and experienced. Varying Leadership Style While the proper leadership style depends on the situation, there are three other factors that also influence which leadership style to use. The manager’s personal background. What personality, knowledge, values, ethics, and experiences does the manager have? What does he or she think will work? The employees being supervised. Employees are individuals with different personalities and backgrounds. The leadership style managers use will vary depending upon the individual employee and what he or she will respond best to. The company. The traditions, values, philosophy, and concerns of the company will influence how a manager acts. There are a lot of arguments for and against each of the effective leadership styles. For example, the followers of an authoritarian leader are more prone to having low motivation and morale. They may find it difficult to get inspired because the leader is more impersonal, task oriented, demanding, and not considerate of their opinions. However despite this, there are situations where an authoritarian leadership style is the most effective. Such as when time is short, when the leader has all the information and a quick decision is needed. Anything other than an authoritarian leader will result in poorer outcomes. Theories of Leadership People have been interested in leadership since they have started coming together in groups to accomplish goals. However, it wasn’t until the early part of the twentieth century that researchers usually began to study it. These early leadership theories focused on the leader (trait theories) and how the leader interacted with his or her group members (behavioral theories) while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill level. While many different leadership theories have emerged, most can be classified as one of eight major types: ‘Great Man’ Theory Early research on leadership was based on the study of people who were already great leaders. These people were often from the aristocracy, as few from lower classes had the opportunity to lead. This contributed to the notion that leadership had something to do with breeding. The idea of the Great Man also strayed into the mythic domain, with notions that in times of need, a Great Man would arise, almost by magic. This was easy to verify, by pointing to people such as Eisenhower and Churchill. The term â€Å"Great Man†was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership. Trait theory In searching for measurable leadership traits, researchers have taken two approaches: Comparing the traits of those who have emerged as leaders with the traits who have not and Comparing the traits of effective leaders with those of ineffective leaders. Early research on leadership was based on the psychological focus of the day, which was of people having inherited characteristics or traits. Attention was thus put on discovering these traits, often by studying successful leaders, but with the underlying assumption that if other people could also be found with these traits, then they, too, could also become great leaders. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. But if particular traits are key features of leadership, how do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the difficulties in using trait theories to explain leadership. Behavioral theory When it became evident that effective leaders did not seem to have a particular set of distinguishing traits, researchers tried to isolate the behavior characteristics of effective leaders. In other words, rather than try to figure out who effective leaders are, researchers tried to determine what effective leaders do i. e. how they delegate tasks, how they communicate with and try to motivate their followers or employees and so on. Behaviors, unlike traits, can be learned, so it is followed that individuals trained in appropriate leadership behaviors would be able to lead more effectively. Participative theory A Participative Leader, rather than taking autocratic decisions, seeks to involve other people in the process, possibly including subordinates, peers, superiors and other stakeholders. Often, however, as it is within the managers' whim to give or deny control to his or her subordinates, most participative activity is within the immediate team. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. The level of participation may also depend on the type of decision being made. Decisions on how to implement goals may be highly participative, whilst decisions during subordinate performance evaluations are more likely to be taken by the manager. Contingency theory Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theory that contends that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others. Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers, and aspects of the situation. This theory focuses on the following factors: Task requirement. Peer’s expectations and behavior. Employees’ characteristics, expectations and behavior. Organizational culture and policies. Situational theory One of the major contingency approaches to leadership is Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard’s â€Å"situational leadership model†which holds that the most effective leadership style varies with the â€Å"readiness†of employees. When a decision is needed, an effective leader does not just fall into a single preferred style, such as using transactional or transformational ethods. In practice, as they say, things are not that simple. Factors that affect situational decisions include motivation and capability of followers. This, in turn, is affected by factors within the particular situation. The relationship between followers and the leader may be another factor that affects leader behavior as much as it does follower behavior. The leaders' pe rception of the follower and the situation will affect what they do rather than the truth of the situation. The leader's perception of themselves and other factors such as stress and mood will also modify the leaders' behavior. Transformational or Charismatic theory Working for a Transformational Leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about you and want you to succeed. One area of growing interest is the study of individuals who have an exceptional impact on their organizations. These individuals may be called â€Å"charismatic†or â€Å"transformational†leaders. First, many large companies including IBM, GM etc have embarked on organizational â€Å"transformations†programs of extensive changes that must be accomplished in short periods of time. Bass’s theory of transformational leadership Bass defined transformational leadership in terms of how the leader affects followers, who are intended to trust, admire and respect the transformational leader. He identified three ways in which leaders transform followers: Increasing their awareness of task importance and value. Getting them to focus first on team or organizational goals, rather than their own interests. Activating their higher-order needs. Bass has recently noted that authentic transformational leadership is grounded in moral foundations that are based on four components: Idealized influence Inspirational motivation Intellectual stimulation Individualized consideration Transactional or Management theory Management theories (also known as â€Å"Transactional theories†) focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of reward and punishment. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are ewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished. The early stage of Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby the subordinate is given a salary and other benefits, and the company gets authority over the subordinate. When the Transactional Leader allocates work to a subordinate, they are considered to be fully responsible for it, whether or not they have th e resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding). Leadership Style Finding a role model to evaluate his or her style of leadership and identifying ones own characteristics as a leader are he starting point for creating a personal development plan to work toward becoming the type of leader one wishes to be. Mary Kay Ash According to Hulk, transformational leaders, â€Å"seek to raise the consciousness of followers by appealing to ideals and moral values such as liberty, justice, equality, peace, and humanitarianism, not to baser emotions such as fear, greed, jealousy, or hatred†(2013, p. 347). Mary Kay Ash was a transformational leader.During a time period where women were not viewed as equal to men, she started a new business that empowered women. Not only did she build a business for women, she established a charitable foundation to support cancer research and later expanded its purpose to fighting violence against women (celebrating Mary Kay Ash†, n. D. ). It would take a huge amount of courage, confidence, and drive to accomplish th e things she was able to. To have this type of impact on such a large group of people even would provide a person with an enormous sense of accomplishment.Strengths of Self Qualities necessary to be a positive leader that are possessed by the author include respectful, good communicator, resourceful, rewarding, an openness to change, organized, delegated, takes initiative, listens to and responds to feedback as well as provides constructive feedback to others (University of Oregon, 2009). Treating others with respect will lead to them giving respect. Communicating is an essential function of leading. The leader must be able to share the goal and vision as well as provide direction. People also have a need to be heard, so it is important for a leader to listen to others and their ideas.Weaknesses Of Self Qualities that may hold a person from reaching his or her goal of being a transformational leader are being task oriented instead of people oriented. A transformational leader change s the lives of others and this is harder to accomplish if the main focus is the task not the person. A need to control has its strong points as well as its weaknesses. It is important to know when to allow others to take control. Characteristics that are Transformational To become this type of leader would not only transform the lives of others but of the author as a leader herself.Being a motivational leader is a positive starting point in working toward becoming a transformational leader. Knowing one's abilities is important but constantly striving to improve learning to do more and better can inspire others that they can do the same. Seeing an organized leader who thrives under pressure, using planning as a tool to succeed will show others they are capable of overcoming their stress and do better. The most important quality a person needs to become a transformational leader is a belief in and desire to developing others both personally and professional.Development Plan Having a m entor is an excellent way to identify a person's qualities as a leader and develop a plan that will help that person become the leader he or she desires to be. Working toward becoming a transformational leader is an enormous goal. The first step in reaching this goal is identifying the needs of others and how they are motivated. Then setting personal goals that work toward the development into a transformational leader. It is important to begin with smaller goals, such as encouraging coworkers to do more and do better.If they take pride in their work and their job it will reflect in the equines. By setting smaller, reachable goals a person will be encouraged and inspired to continue to work and reach the final goal. Conclusion Being in a position to empower, motivate, and uplift women is only part of what it would take to be a transformational leader. Taking action and taking charge of her life and future is what Mary Kay Ash did, and showed other women they could do it as well. To change a person's leadership style it is necessary to identify that person's characteristics as a leader. Leadership Style Definition of Leadership A leader is someone who can influence others and who has a managerial authority. Leadership is what leaders do. More specifically, it’s the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. Group Leadership Leadership is concerned with control and power in a group. Leadership can be aimed at either maintaining the interpersonal relationships in the group or prodding the group to achieve its task. Kinds of Leadership Groups typically benefit from two kinds of leadership i. e. Instrumental leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental Leadership: This kind of leadership refers to group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks. Members look to instrumental leadership to make plans, give orders and get things done. Characteristics of instrumental leadership Instrumental leaders usually have formal, secondary relations with other group members. They give orders and rewards and punish members according to their contribution to the group’s efforts. Enjoy more respect from members when successful. Their main goal is completion of task. Expressive Leadership: Expressive leadership is a group leadership that focuses on the group's well being. Example: the democratic style of leadership is an example of expressive leadership. Characteristics of Expressive leadership Expressive leaders take less interest in achieving goals than in promoting the well-being of members, raising group morale and minimizing tensions and conflicts among the group members. Expressive leaders build more personal and primary ties. They show sympathy to their group members. They generally receive more personal affection. Leadership Styles Definition: Leadership styles refer to the various patterns of behavior favored by leaders during the process of directing and influencing workers. Sociologists describe leadership in terms of decision making styles. The three major types of leadership are the following: Authoritarian or autocratic leadership. Democratic or Participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style. In the past several decades, management experts have undergone a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes are toward it. They have gone from a very classical autocratic approach to a very creative, participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that not everything old was bad and not everything new was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach. Authoritarian Leadership This is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Employees are expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations. The motivation environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments. This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. This leadership style has been greatly criticized during the past 30 years. Some studies say that organizations with many autocratic leaders have higher turnover and absenteeism than other organizations. These studies say that autocratic leaders: Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees. Do not allow for employee input. Autocratic leadership is not all bad. Sometimes it is the most effective style to use. These situations can include: New, untrained employees who do not know which tasks to perform or which procedures to follow. Effective supervision can be provided only through detailed orders and instructions. A manager’s power is challenged by an employee. Democratic or Participative leadership The democratic leadership style is also called the participative style as it encourages employees to be a part of the decision making. The democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. This style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members before making a decision. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees evaluate their own performance. Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted. Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like the other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate. It is most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems. This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything  this is why you employ knowledgeable and skillful employees. Using this style is of mutual benefit  it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better decisions. Laissez-faire leadership Laissez faire is a French word meaning noninterference in the affairs of others. Laissez means to let, allow and faire means to do. The laissez-faire leadership style is also known as the â€Å"hands-off? style. It is one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own. In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks. This is an effective style to use when: Employees are highly skilled, experienced, and educated. Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used. Employees are trustworthy and experienced. Varying Leadership Style While the proper leadership style depends on the situation, there are three other factors that also influence which leadership style to use. The manager’s personal background. What personality, knowledge, values, ethics, and experiences does the manager have? What does he or she think will work? The employees being supervised. Employees are individuals with different personalities and backgrounds. The leadership style managers use will vary depending upon the individual employee and what he or she will respond best to. The company. The traditions, values, philosophy, and concerns of the company will influence how a manager acts. There are a lot of arguments for and against each of the effective leadership styles. For example, the followers of an authoritarian leader are more prone to having low motivation and morale. They may find it difficult to get inspired because the leader is more impersonal, task oriented, demanding, and not considerate of their opinions. However despite this, there are situations where an authoritarian leadership style is the most effective. Such as when time is short, when the leader has all the information and a quick decision is needed. Anything other than an authoritarian leader will result in poorer outcomes. Theories of Leadership People have been interested in leadership since they have started coming together in groups to accomplish goals. However, it wasn’t until the early part of the twentieth century that researchers usually began to study it. These early leadership theories focused on the leader (trait theories) and how the leader interacted with his or her group members (behavioral theories) while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill level. While many different leadership theories have emerged, most can be classified as one of eight major types: ‘Great Man’ Theory Early research on leadership was based on the study of people who were already great leaders. These people were often from the aristocracy, as few from lower classes had the opportunity to lead. This contributed to the notion that leadership had something to do with breeding. The idea of the Great Man also strayed into the mythic domain, with notions that in times of need, a Great Man would arise, almost by magic. This was easy to verify, by pointing to people such as Eisenhower and Churchill. The term â€Å"Great Man†was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership. Trait theory In searching for measurable leadership traits, researchers have taken two approaches: Comparing the traits of those who have emerged as leaders with the traits who have not and Comparing the traits of effective leaders with those of ineffective leaders. Early research on leadership was based on the psychological focus of the day, which was of people having inherited characteristics or traits. Attention was thus put on discovering these traits, often by studying successful leaders, but with the underlying assumption that if other people could also be found with these traits, then they, too, could also become great leaders. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. But if particular traits are key features of leadership, how do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the difficulties in using trait theories to explain leadership. Behavioral theory When it became evident that effective leaders did not seem to have a particular set of distinguishing traits, researchers tried to isolate the behavior characteristics of effective leaders. In other words, rather than try to figure out who effective leaders are, researchers tried to determine what effective leaders do i. e. how they delegate tasks, how they communicate with and try to motivate their followers or employees and so on. Behaviors, unlike traits, can be learned, so it is followed that individuals trained in appropriate leadership behaviors would be able to lead more effectively. Participative theory A Participative Leader, rather than taking autocratic decisions, seeks to involve other people in the process, possibly including subordinates, peers, superiors and other stakeholders. Often, however, as it is within the managers' whim to give or deny control to his or her subordinates, most participative activity is within the immediate team. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. The level of participation may also depend on the type of decision being made. Decisions on how to implement goals may be highly participative, whilst decisions during subordinate performance evaluations are more likely to be taken by the manager. Contingency theory Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theory that contends that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others. Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers, and aspects of the situation. This theory focuses on the following factors: Task requirement. Peer’s expectations and behavior. Employees’ characteristics, expectations and behavior. Organizational culture and policies. Situational theory One of the major contingency approaches to leadership is Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard’s â€Å"situational leadership model†which holds that the most effective leadership style varies with the â€Å"readiness†of employees. When a decision is needed, an effective leader does not just fall into a single preferred style, such as using transactional or transformational ethods. In practice, as they say, things are not that simple. Factors that affect situational decisions include motivation and capability of followers. This, in turn, is affected by factors within the particular situation. The relationship between followers and the leader may be another factor that affects leader behavior as much as it does follower behavior. The leaders' pe rception of the follower and the situation will affect what they do rather than the truth of the situation. The leader's perception of themselves and other factors such as stress and mood will also modify the leaders' behavior. Transformational or Charismatic theory Working for a Transformational Leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about you and want you to succeed. One area of growing interest is the study of individuals who have an exceptional impact on their organizations. These individuals may be called â€Å"charismatic†or â€Å"transformational†leaders. First, many large companies including IBM, GM etc have embarked on organizational â€Å"transformations†programs of extensive changes that must be accomplished in short periods of time. Bass’s theory of transformational leadership Bass defined transformational leadership in terms of how the leader affects followers, who are intended to trust, admire and respect the transformational leader. He identified three ways in which leaders transform followers: Increasing their awareness of task importance and value. Getting them to focus first on team or organizational goals, rather than their own interests. Activating their higher-order needs. Bass has recently noted that authentic transformational leadership is grounded in moral foundations that are based on four components: Idealized influence Inspirational motivation Intellectual stimulation Individualized consideration Transactional or Management theory Management theories (also known as â€Å"Transactional theories†) focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of reward and punishment. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are ewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished. The early stage of Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby the subordinate is given a salary and other benefits, and the company gets authority over the subordinate. When the Transactional Leader allocates work to a subordinate, they are considered to be fully responsible for it, whether or not they have th e resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding).
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